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From Homeschool To College: The Ultimate Guide

Transitioning from a homeschool environment to college can be unsettling for individuals. Moreover, homeschool students often have numerous questions and concerns about transitioning from a self-paced educational environment to a traditional classroom setting. The changes in social dynamics, academic structure, educational approach, and qualifications can be overwhelming for certain students.

Transitioning from homeschool to a university setting does not need to be intimidating, as it provides an opportunity to venture into the world and experience classroom learning. For numerous homeschool students, this may be their initial exposure to an extended period spent away from home.

With the availability of numerous online degree programs, part-time learning opportunities, and the option of attending community college before earning a bachelor’s degree, college is increasingly accessible to individuals from various educational backgrounds, including those who have been homeschooled.

The National Home Education Research Institution states that there are approximately two million students in the United States who receive education at home, according to their research journal called the Home School Researcher.

For those students who have aspirations of pursuing higher education at a university, here are a few suggestions to assist them in their journey.

Know What Kind of College Experience You Want

To begin with, you should first determine what kind of college experience you desire in order to decide where to apply. Nowadays, obtaining a degree can be achieved through online or on-campus education, or a blend of both. If you prefer a flexible and personalized learning approach, opting for online education would be advisable.

By learning online, you can maintain flexibility and freedom in completing assignments. Additionally, attending school online has the added benefit of generally being more cost-effective compared to attending an on-campus program.

By opting for online programs, you can minimize expenses such as technology or club fees, and eliminate concerns about covering accommodation and meals costs. In certain cases, online programs may also incorporate the price of books and laptops into their per credit charges. Therefore, if financial considerations are a primary factor for you, search for online programs that offer comprehensive packages. Additionally, it is now possible to pursue various degrees online, ranging from associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees to Ph.D. programs.

If you have completed high school and are interested in gaining classroom experience, it would be beneficial to find a college that has a great campus in a desirable location within your budget. This way, you can make the most out of your college experience and gain the best value. The on-campus experience offers something unique that cannot be replicated online.

By thinking in a step-by-step manner, you will have the opportunity to develop friendships, appreciate a classroom environment with direct access to a teacher for assistance and guidance. Moreover, you will engage in the more interactive aspects of education, collaborate in group assignments, and reap the advantages that on-campus learning offers, such as extracurricular activities, social events, study circles, residential life, clubs, and the regular social interactions that come with experiencing college firsthand.

If you’re unsure about your preferences, you can also explore programs that offer a blend of on-campus and online learning options while pursuing your degree.

Take The Entrance Exam. The ACT or the SAT

There are numerous college entrance exams available, but the ACT and SAT are the two most widely recognized. According to some, the SAT may be more suitable for students with stronger verbal skills, whereas the ACT is preferable for those with a more analytical mindset. However, there are individuals who argue that the opposite is also valid.

If you are truly worried about achieving top scores, it is strongly advised to take both tests. The majority of colleges will consider the highest scores from either test when making their admissions decisions. However, it is important to consider that this may require a substantial amount of preparation time for students who are typically limited on time.

Preparation for tests should begin early as standardized tests differ significantly from regular academic tests. Engaging in practice aids in reducing test-related stress and enables students to become more familiar with testing environments.

When considering admissions, the standardized test is not the sole determining factor. While it does carry weight in assessing scholarships and admission, many schools acknowledge that some students may not perform as well on tests compared to their GPA. The test score is merely a component of the overall student package.

Even if a student has a low test score but a high GPA, they can still be considered an appealing candidate. What schools truly seek in students is their willingness to put in effort and overcome challenges presented by low test scores. Conversely, a high test score coupled with a low GPA may suggest a lack of motivation in the student.


In order to gain admission to any school, it is mandatory for students to complete an application process which typically involves accessing the school’s website to fill out an electronic form, providing the requested documents, and remitting a payment.

As part of the admissions process, schools typically request letters of recommendation, transcripts, and documentation of community service or achievements. In addition, a written essay (or in some cases, a video essay) will be required.

Despite the anxiety many individuals experience during the admissions process, the essay component actually presents an opportunity to showcase one’s abilities. Use your imagination and demonstrate to the college why you are an exceptional candidate. The essay provides a platform to discuss personal aspirations, accomplishments, accolades, community involvement, and affiliations with different teams or organizations.

To alleviate the stress of the application process, a helpful approach is to collaborate with the admissions counselor at your desired educational institution.

An admissions counselor is typically the primary contact person between a family and a school, serving as a representative of the school. They assist in gathering information about your potential school and are available to address any inquiries you may have regarding the admissions procedure.

The admissions process places great emphasis on deadlines. To ensure a successful application, it is crucial to meet all deadlines and submit your materials well in advance.

Financial Aid

It is crucial to find ways to pay for college because it can be very expensive. Fortunately, students have access to numerous financial aid options. When going through the admissions process, make sure to discuss with admissions officers the various financial aid options, scholarships, and student loans that you are eligible to receive.

Tips for Parents

Parents, you have accomplished a great deal for your kids. You have ensured their safety, provided nourishment, imparted knowledge, and fostered their growth. The time is approaching when you must allow them to venture out into the world. Here are several ways in which you can assist your children in gaining admission to college.

Build autonomy and Initiative

Preparing your student for college should start early, even before their junior or senior year and even before they enter high school. By fostering a learning environment that encourages students to take ownership of their education, they will be better equipped for college success compared to solely focusing on test preparation.

During college, students bear full responsibility for meeting class and professor expectations, making it crucial for them to be adequately prepared for the independence that college life demands.

One way homeschool students can develop the skill of taking initiative is by organizing research paper tasks, independently reaching out to schedule appointments, or exploring their personal interests. Enabling children to think and act independently, without relying on others for approval, is a valuable gift.

Keep Amazing Records of EVERYTHING

Keeping good records of your child’s academics is one of the most crucial aspects of the process. It is essential to emphasize the significance of this step in ensuring your student’s readiness for college. As part of the admissions process, all colleges will necessitate some form of transcript.

The task of transforming homeschool student experiences into courses and credits may appear daunting, but parents can find solace in the fact that there is no universally accepted or standardized transcript, not even among various school districts in the same state.

Parents have some flexibility in creating a transcript, meaning that there are different ways to prepare good records. This can involve keeping a written record of each course, providing a general description, and including a score to calculate GPA. Alternatively, transcript programs can be utilized to track classes and grades.

The following information should be included in a transcript record.

  • Student name, the name of the homeschool, address, and phone number
  • High school course list ordered by year (grades 9-12)
  • The institution where each class was taken (eg. homeschool, online schools, community college)
  • The grading scale being used in the homeschool
  • Overall GPA
  • Credits are given per course (listed per semester per year)
  • Expected graduation date
  • Parent signature with a date

The evaluation of high school credits can be done using various methods which can be found in the informative guide provided by the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). In addition to academics, it is important to maintain records of extracurricular activities and community service, including the number of hours dedicated to these endeavors.

Homeschool to College – The Benefits of Early Preparation

Sometimes, it can be challenging for students and parents to comprehend the process of transferring homeschool guidelines and benchmarks to college prerequisites and requirements. The initial step in this process is to recognize that chronological age is merely a numerical value and does not reflect one’s level of academic readiness.

Homeschooled children have the opportunity to begin college early if they are academically prepared and are not yet at the age to attend college.

Furthermore, homeschool students benefit from the opportunity to customize their learning experience by setting their own pace and having the flexibility to delve into specific areas of study more extensively, should they desire. If you possess a clear interest in pursuing a specific field as your major, it is advisable to concentrate your homeschool curriculum during the last two years of high school towards that subject.

You can enhance your college transcript and distinguish yourself when applying to college or university by taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses or college courses in advance as a homeschool student.

Online college courses, specifically, provide homeschool students with a low-risk opportunity to become acquainted with the pace and academic expectations commonly encountered at college.



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