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HomeCurriculumHomeschool Math Curriculum & Programs

Homeschool Math Curriculum & Programs

If you’re acquainted with the various advantages of homeschooling, such as personalized learning, a focused homeschool curriculum, and potentially improved test scores, you may wonder how to assist your child in attaining these benefits effectively, particularly in a challenging subject like math.

Math programs provide a solution for homeschooling parents, as they alleviate the pressure of being an educator and also foster enthusiasm and engagement in children’s learning.

Discover further information on the finest homeschool math programs and learn how to select the most suitable one for your child down below!

How do homeschool math programs work

Math programs are tools and strategies that can be utilized to implement your child’s math curriculum. They establish the structure of your child’s math lessons, encompassing learning objectives, tasks, and evaluations.

Math programs serve as an excellent substitute for conventional math textbooks due to their provision of a comprehensive package for teaching math to your child at home. Numerous programs even incorporate supplementary materials such as DVDs and manipulatives to be utilized during lessons.

Math programs have features such as being designed to accommodate a broad range of grades, skill levels, and even different ways of learning.

  • Video lessons – Ideal for visual and auditory learners!
  • Math games – Perfect for engaging all types of learners!
  • Manipulatives – Great for kinesthetic learners who learn by doing!

To diversify your child’s learning, it is advisable to pair a math program with another enrichment tool. Prodigy Math Game can serve as an excellent standalone program or enrichment tool for any homeschool math program.

The best homeschool math curriculum programs

Below are math curriculum programs that are suitable for homeschooling and considered to be the leading ones.

1. Math-U-See

Grades from kindergarten to 12th grade (equivalent in levels).


  • Aligned with Common Core standards.
  • Offers instructional DVDs, video lessons and placement tests.
  • Blocks and manipulatives are great for visual and kinesthetic learners.
  • Skills-based approach helps you customize your child’s math learning.

Suitable for: An individual who prefers hands-on learning and finds satisfaction in overcoming difficult tasks thoroughly.

For each level, anticipate spending between $140 and $180 in terms of price range.

Math-U-See uses Blocks, manipulatives that enable a multisensory learning experience for math. Educators employ these blocks to assist students in visualizing math problems and prompt them to manipulate the blocks to determine the solution.

Instead of organizing math learning by grade, Math-U-See arranges it by level. Students begin at Primer level and progress to Zeta before advancing to higher levels involving algebra and calculus.

Math-U-See uses a mastery approach to learning math, unlike traditional schooling, which means the teacher strives to ensure a student comprehends a topic fully before proceeding to a new one.

2. Saxon math

Grades from kindergarten to twelfth grade.

The advantages are the following:

  • Manipulatives for elementary levels.
  • Aligned with Common Core standards.
  • Placement tests are available for new homeschoolers.
  • Instructional DVDs and video lessons to help students.

Suitable for: A child who may require additional assistance in math and shows positive response to repetitive exercises.

The expected cost per grade level is approximately $100.

Saxon Math is a comprehensive math program designed for homeschoolers. The curriculum employs practice exercises to educate students on math skills and concepts, which can be beneficial for those who grasp information better through repeated practice.

The first three grade levels are taught using workbooks and manipulatives until level four, when teaching textbooks and CDs are introduced. These grade levels are mixed, with Level 5/4 being designed for both 4th graders and 5th graders requiring additional assistance.

Saxon Math, like numerous other math programs, employs the spiral method, whereby a math topic is initially introduced to the student, covering one aspect, and then revisiting it periodically alongside the introduction of new information.

3. Horizons math

Grades encompassed: from kindergarten to twelfth grade.


  • Short yet productive lesson format.
  • Spiral approach for a balanced curriculum coverage.
  • Colorful workbooks suited to visual and independent learners.
  • Fast-paced curriculum ideal for students who want to be challenged.

Suitable for: A child who is capable of working independently and excels when faced with a challenge.

The price range for a math set is approximately $90.

Horizons Math utilizes vibrant workbooks to instruct children in mathematics. Each lesson is concise and specifically crafted to engage students’ attention without causing tedium. This math program is included as a component of a self-proclaimed Christian homeschool curriculum, which proves beneficial if religious reasons are a determining factor in opting for homeschooling.

Horizons Math does not conform to the Common Core Math Standards and frequently surpasses the grade-appropriate level for the child. Additionally, this math curriculum employs the spiral approach, which is particularly advantageous for homeschool educators who wish to gradually acquaint their child with a subject.

Horizons Math does not include a script, despite having a Teacher’s Guide. Therefore, if you are proficient in teaching math and prefer conducting lessons without a script, you might opt for a math program like this.

4. SplashLearn

SplashLearn is a math program that is adaptive and offers a complete curriculum for children. It offers personalized learning paths, practice sessions that are gamified, and tutorials that are interactive. The curriculum is specifically designed to meet the unique requirements and learning preferences of each student.

SplashLearn’s curriculum has gamified math principles to ensure that learning is enjoyable and captivating for children. Additionally, this program offers parents a valuable dashboard to actively observe and participate in their child’s significant growth and development.

Grades ranging from Pre-K to 5th grade.

There is no cost to sign up, but subscriptions can be purchased at prices ranging from $7.99 to $11.99 per month.

5. Teaching textbooks

Teaching Textbooks provides an outstanding online math curriculum specifically designed for homeschoolers. The curriculum includes interactive lessons, automated grading, and step-by-step explanations. Its unique selling point is the interactive method it employs. The program features a captivating interface, adaptive learning capabilities, and a systematic approach.

The grades range from 3rd to 12th grade.

The cost ranges from $45 to $75 per month.

6. Life of fred

Life of Fred is a math curriculum that uses real-life scenarios to teach math concepts. It stands out for its engaging approach and offers benefits such as a fun and entertaining method, the use of real-life applications, and a non-traditional approach.

Grades ranging from kindergarten to twelfth grade.

The cost of each book ranges from $19 to $34.

7. Beast academy

Beast Academy is an innovative math curriculum for homeschooling that utilizes comics and engaging stories to teach concepts. Its unique selling proposition is its innovative approach. Its advantages include a stimulating and challenging curriculum, an emphasis on problem-solving, and a distinctive teaching method.

The grades range from kindergarten to twelfth grade.

The cost ranges from $15 to $25 per book and the yearly subscriptions cost $96 per year.

8. RightStart mathematics

The RightStart Mathematics program uses practical exercises to teach basic principles and has a unique selling point of a visual and multimodal approach. One of its advantages is that it establishes a solid arithmetic foundation and emphasizes problem-solving. The program also incorporates a multimodal approach.

Grades from Kindergarten to 8th grade.

The cost for each level falls within the range of $249 to $299.

9. Math mammoth

Math Mammoth is a math software that uses workbooks to teach various mathematical concepts. This software is known for its affordability, as well as its focus on mastering the subject and its simple and cost-effective format.

The grades range from 1st grade to 7th grade.

The cost ranges from $34 to $79 for each grade level.

10. CTCMath

CTCMath, a computer-based math program, incorporates video lectures, interactive exercises, and automatic grading as its notable features. Its unique selling proposition lies in its comprehensive approach, offering systematic methods, video education, and computerized grading as some of its advantages.

The grades range from kindergarten to 12th grade.

The cost ranges from $118 to $297 per year.

11. Dimensions math

Dimensions Math is a curriculum that utilizes real-life situations to teach math concepts, with a particular emphasis on problem-solving. The curriculum stands out for its strong focus on problem-solving, the inclusion of engaging stories and characters, and its visual approach to math education.

Grades from pre-K to 5th grade.

The cost per book ranges from $17 to $22.

Once you delve into the details of each curriculum, it is crucial to grasp the method of homeschooling math curriculum.

12. Singapore math

Grades: From PreK to 8th grade


  • Affordable textbooks and workbooks.
  • Develops critical thinking skills in math.
  • Teaches the meaning of math rather than memorizing techniques.
  • Aims to take the student to ability levels above the national average.

Ideal for: A child with a quick understanding of concepts and a homeschool educator with the ability to teach without relying on manuals or guides.

You can anticipate spending $50 per math set within the price range.

The Primary Mathematics curriculum used in Singapore is provided by Singapore Math. This course aims to replicate Singapore’s top scores in global math tests, for which Singapore is renowned.

The US math program, unlike this program, does not concentrate on encouraging students to think like mathematicians. It primarily relies on memorizing concepts rather than understanding them.

There are various versions of Singapore Math program, one of which is designed to comply with Common Core standards. While the early levels provide a teacher’s manual, homeschooling parents have expressed that they still need to prepare in advance with Singapore Math’s curriculum.



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